Selasa, 17 Juli 2012

pidato bahasa inggris tentang dampak internet

ya bukannya sombong tapi menurut saya pidato ini sangat bermanfaat dan berkesan bagi saya dan saya berterimakasih dengan guru-guru SMP 18 Bengkulu telah mengajarkan saya pidato ini hingga 2 kali juara 1 speech tingkat kota dan tingkat provinsi terutama buat ma'm Ediah meski dia dulu cuman sebagai guru PPL  di SMP 18 bengkulu saya sangat2 berterimakasih bangeeeet!!! maacih yo ma'm meski aku nih bandel tapi ma'm guru PPL paling TOP hehehe
 nih speechnya tinggal copas kok ;;) semoga kalian juga bisa menang gitu hehehe

Good morning ladies and gentlemen,

first of all let us pray to give thanks to God Almighty for blessing me to stand here

thank you for opportunity,in this good section i would like to talk you about social networking site.Today i want to specify my speech into the impact of SNS.
     As everybody knows,everything that exists has both positive and negative effect,so do social networking site.To begin with,I’ll talk about the good points of them.
    First,social networking site,enable us to make friends with more people,not only people our own country,but alsopeople around the worl.I think all of you have one favorite SNS,right?Yeah!We can exchange our feelings and thoughts of our own experiences and banefit from all this contacts.Second,they keep us from loneliness.When we feel lonely,we may turn a friendon the site,chatting and having fun.Something that we may never confide in anyone may be told to those who haven’t even met.Now you just thing about this:you’re in low spirits,but you have no one to share your feeling,then friend on this site can listen to you,and you just release your pain.Third,these site let us be exposed to large amount of  information and material that we haven’t known about.We can make full use of useful information letting it promote our study and work.
     As mentioned above,social networking site do have great adventages.However,the points I’m going to touch on reflect the negative side.
Ladies and gentlemen
     A social networking site is just like a mini socity.There’re so many attractive things that distract our concentration from the work we’re doing.Something we pay too mich attention to amusing things that we slack our duty and forget to do something more important.As a result,we yield to entertainment and become lazy.In this case I have a qoute:WORK WHILE YOU TURN ON YOUR FACEBOOK,TWITTER IS NOTHING!!IT PROVE THAN SNS COULD MAKE US HYPNOTIZED.Meanwhile,we are required to use true indentity,such as name and photos on these sites,which increases the potential of personal information can not be ignored that quite a number of criminals take advantage of personal information release on the internet to cheat us,such  us cheating money from our account.
     Nevertheles,the important problem is not how positive or negetive social networking site are,but how we deal with them .Keep in mind that the key is in our own hand.
     Okay,I thing that all my speech today.Thank you your attantion.   

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